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School Information for Ofsted

School information in compliance with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012.

School Contact Details
Please click here for details of how to contact us.

Admission Arrangements 
Details of our Admission Arrangements can be found in our Admissions Section of the website.

Inspection Reports
Below are our most recent Ofsted and Diocesan Inspection Reports

Examination and Assessment Results
Our most recent examination results for KS4 and KS5 can be found here

Achievements and Destinations Booklet 2023

Performance Tables
Please click here to access the DfE School Performance Tables website for Upton Hall School FCJ.

Details of the content of the curriculum followed by our pupils can be found in the Curriculum Section and also in the following documents:

Key Stage 3
Year 7 Curriculum Booklet
Year 8 Curriculum Booklet
Year 9 Curriculum Booklet

Key Stage 4 

Year 10 Curriculum Booklet
KS4 Curriculum Booklet 2022-2024
KS4 Curriculum Booklet 2023-2025

Sixth Form Study Programme
Click here to view the 16-19 Curriculum and courses we offer.  Full details regarding Sixth Form can be accessed in the designated section of the website 'Sixth Form @ Upton'

Policy Documents

Behaviour Policy
Click here to download our Behaviour for Learning Policy.  A Coronavirus Addendum to this policy was created in August 2020.

Careers Programme Information
Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) can be accessed here.

Policy Documents
Careers Policy February 2022

Complaints Policy
Click here to download this document

Child Protection and Safeguarding
Click here to download this document. 

Please click here to visit the designated web page on this subject 

Charging Policy
Details of our Charging Policy can be found in our Prospectus Supplement.  Please click here to download this document.

Equality & Diversity Policy
Click here to download this document.

Pupil Premium
Details of how we spend our Pupil Premium funding and the effect this has had on the attainment of the pupils who attract the funding can be found in the reports below:
Pupil Premium Three Year Strategy
Catch Up Plan

Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
Please click on the documents below for details of the SEND Offer for pupils and families.
SEND Information Report
SEN Policy

Values and Ethos
Please visit the FCJ Ethos, Vision and Values section for details of our ethos and values.

Parent View
Click here to visit Parent View

School Policies (Under Section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006)
Click here to view policies.

Details of Governance arrangements including the issues detailed below  can be found in a designated section of the website.  Click here

  • Structure of the Governing Body
  • Code of Conduct
  • Remit of the Governing Body
  • Declarations of Business Interests
  • Record of Attendance
  • Our Committees

Our Governance Arrangements Booklet can also be downloaded with complete information.

Academy Documentation
Articles of Association
Supplemental Funding Agreement
Master Funding Agreement

Annual Accounts 
Upton Hall School's Annual Accounts can be accessed here