Celebrating the fact that we are part of the global FCJ family, staff work together to
enable students to grow in confidence and strengthen the bonds of companionship in
and beyond the school community.
Recognising that parents and carers are co-educators
of their children, staff encourage them to be fully
involved in their children’s learning through regular
communication and practical, meaningful support.
We want our students to face the future with
courage and confidence. Essential to this desire
is a strong and consistent system of pastoral support, rooted in our value of hope.
Drawing strength from the knowledge of God’s unconditional love, our student’s self-
esteem grows when they are encouraged to take risks. They know they are both valued
when they don’t succeed and celebrated when they do. Failure is recognised as an
opportunity for learning and growth. Hope is tangible in the faith staff have in students
and the trust students have in staff. It is visible in the way we love and serve each other.
How do you find times of reflection in the
midst of a busy school day? Is it something
that you value when the opportunity arises?
The ability to cope with failure can be an
important learning experience for pupils.
Can you think of any times when you have
had to face failure and through which ,
in hindsight, you have grown as a result?
Teach the children with
all the kindness and
gentleness possible.
Marie Madeleine,1837
Mary Stokes fcJ (1798 – 1878) A past pupil
remembers: ‘however much I may have
broken the rules, she never spoke a hard or
angry word to me . . . She would invite me
to take her “lecture arm” and go for (a walk)
in the woods. I have never returned from
these little trips without . . . a great desire to
be better for the future .’