Our Vision And Values - page 13

too is
an all-pervading quality
present when we work together
in an atmosphere of support and love.
Companionship is breaking the bread of life together as
together we live God’s dream for each one of us more fully.
Together we learn, pray, laugh and cry.
FCJ Companionship is inspired by the women who were
companions of Jesus to the cross and beyond.
‘to stand at
the foot of the cross
with Mary and
the holy women ....’
Leaders were to ‘gain the
confidence and love
of their students, to speak
with friendliness
and gentleness,
to enter into their sorrows,
to show reserve and
always respect,
yet to be loving’.
Strong in companionship,
the unique giftedness of every person
in these faith communities is
recognised, nourished and celebrated .
Evangelene Barton fcJ (1879 – 1963) and
Catherine Buckley fcJ (1885 – 1972) are
remembered ‘... trudging along (the streets)
of Middlesbrough ... to teach and give solace
to the wee boys and girls that came from
the Docks and the Marsh’.
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