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Inspiring Young People


Upton Hall offers a rich diet of extra-curricular activities designed to suit a whole range of interests.  On alternate weeks students attend an enrichment class as part of the Sixth Form curriculum. Students are also encouraged to take part in voluntary work in the community.  We also welcome guest speakers from a range of backgrounds for our weekly industry/career speaker programme.

Please click on the link here to view our Enrichment booklet for 2024-25


Enrichment Classes

We offer fortnightly enrichment classes in the following subjects:

  • Outdoor Education
  • Sign language 
  • First Aid
  • Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)*
  • Cookery
  • Sewing Bee
  • The Good Life
  • Art
  • Law Bar Mock Trial Competition
  • Book Club
  • Young STEM Leaders
  • Sports Leaders Award*

*These qualifications carry UCAS points.

Our students have also been highly successful in public speaking competitions, the National Bar Mock Trial Competition and the Historical Association’s ‘Great Debate’ competition.  Our students are equally successful in sport and Art competitions, as well as all types of musical and dramatic activities.  Wherever the possibility exists to extend students’ experiences, staff are enthusiastic in opening new doors for them.

Examples of our extra-curricular activities include:

  • Ada Lovelace (Oxbridge) Programme

  • Reading rangers

  • Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

  • Subject Mentoring 

  • Bar Mock Trial Competition

  • Magistrates’ Mock Trial Competition (mentoring)

  • Senior prefecting

  • 'Institute of Chartered Engineers' competitions

  • Nuffield Research placements

  • Senior orchestra/choir        Chamber choir

  • Foreign exchange programme

  • House leadership

  • Uptonologists/ChemSoc/   PhysSoc

  • Student Council

  • Work experience placements