7. Charity and Service
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
Mother Teresa
As a Catholic school, we are fully committed to putting our faith into action. Christ gave us the ultimate example of service when he washed his disciples’ feet at the Last Supper. The Leadership of the school and the management of pupils and staff in terms of relationships, welfare and development should reflect its Catholic nature. We can teach this through the example of our school motto: Age quod Agis which translates as ‘whatever you do, do it well’.
Our school exists for the children and our distinctive Catholic ethos guides every aspect of life at Upton Hall. We believe that it is important to make our faith relevant to young people today to make them equipped for the 21st Century as Global citizens. This means being outward-looking as a community; inclusive of all people, regardless of their religious beliefs, making sure we live out our faith on a day-to-day basis.
Prayer and the sacramental life of the Church is at the heart of school community, as is providing children with opportunities to live out the Gospel values.
Through our dedicated acts of service raise and our living faith, our school prides itself on its generous charitable work – from small independent local charities to national and global causes. We adapt an FCJ based charity annually. We have chosen our FCJ community in the Philippines since 2019. Here is an impact statement from Sr Ramona: impact statement
During 2024-2025 we have embarked on a new mission to sponsor a child's (Jane) education in Kenya.
Food bank appeal |
Charles Thompson Mission |
Feast Day of Immaculate Conception |
Fundraising |
Change a Child's Life (no website as yet) |
Advent |
Toy Appeal Letters of Compassion Elf Run |
Ferries Families https://ferriesfamilygroups.org.uk/ Woodheath Care home https://www.woodheathcarehome.com/
Neo-natal Unit - Arrowe Park https://www.wuth.nhs.uk/our-locations/arrowe-park-hospital/
Easter |
Lenten fundraising |
Caritas & Cafod
Caritas 2021 https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/upton-hall-fcj2
Caritas 2022 https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/paul-mcaleese3
Walking Pilgrimage |
Wirral Way Walk |
During Advent and Lent, our school family supports local food banks and toy appeals as well as globally. In the past we have worked with: CAFOD, Caritas Salford and Caritas Shrewsbury.
SVP: Faith in Action Group
Our Youth SVP conference is open to all year groups and is overseen by Miss A. Breen-Buckley. The Saint Vincent De Paul Society is almost 200 years old, and was started by Blessed Fredric Ozanam when he was just a teenager. The aim for the SVP to alleviate all types of poverty in the local area. The SVP programme at Upton Hall is in its infancy and has been praised by National Office.