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5. Celebration of the Sacraments

Friday Mass at Saint Joseph’s Church

Every week each year group takes its turn to celebrate Mass at Saint Joseph’s with Fr Lucas. Every form takes its turn to lead the Mass (readings, bidding prayers and offertory procession). Member of our music department take part too.  Parents and carers of the year group leading Mass are invited every week and are welcome to attend.

Year 7 Welcome Mass

Our year 7s have the opportunity to celebrate Mass to mark the beginning of their Upton journey. The year 7s have the opportunity of taking part in a retreat beforehand and introduces our Catholic and non-Catholic students to the meaning of Mass. Each form writes its own bidding prayers and are introduced to school hymn ‘All are welcome’.

Our year 13 leavers celebrate Mass. The students lead the Mass by helping choose the readings and hymns as well as collaborating on the bidding prayers and offertory.

Feast Day Masses

The Holy Mass is also celebrated in school during important Feast Days such as:

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception – 8 December.  In 2024, Masses were celebrated by Fr Lucas at St. Joseph’s RC Church, Upton and in our own Chapel by Fr Louis at Christ the King, Bromborough.

Ascension of the Lord

Saint Peter & Paul – 29 May

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Over the last two academic years, members of the clergy are invited to school to provide an opportunity for students to partake in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Students who are non-Catholic still have the opportunity to meet a priest and ask a religious based question.   Here are some photographs from our year 10s on 12 March 2024 and our year 8s on 7 March 2025.

Father Coughlan

Father Lucas

Canon Mulalley

This opportunity feeds into our school’s understanding of the importance of reconciliation. Once students have experienced the divine significance of this sacrament, they witness echoes of reconciliation throughout the daily life of Upton Hall; in our expectations of team-work, in our hope for harmony and in our school family’s steadfast belief in the healing power of reconciliation.