House Cup and Reading Engagement Summer Prizes
Congratulations to our new house cup champions.
New term winners: Fire House in year 7 and Aether House in year 8
Well done to all students in the winning houses for their brilliant reading engagement efforts which have secured them the termly house cup! The trophy was awarded in assembly for the house with the most achievement points for reading in library lessons and across the wider school.
Students were also awarded individual reading champion awards for excellent individual efforts. Well done to: Emma Johnstone, Maya Tolmie, Abbie Moonan, Amelia Gouldson, Greta Gilchrist, Rhiannon Fleetwood, Amy Moroney, Lucy Bullock, Maisy Gough, Isabella Pritchard, Ava Birch, Martha Green, Lea Reynolds, Megan Gorry, Faye Jones, Hannah Cragg-James, Isabel Sebastian and Anya Wood.