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FCJ Ethos, Vision & Values

There are four schools in England under the trusteeship of the religious society, the Faithful Companions of Jesus FCJ : Bellerive in Liverpool, and Gumley House and Maria Fidelis in London, and we all share this Vision Statement.

Inspired by the Gospel and true to Marie Madeleine’s founding ideal, our vision is that FCJ schools are communities of personal and academic excellence.

Strong in companionship, the unique giftedness of every person in these faith communities is recognised, nourished and celebrated.

Our hope and expectation is that, through God’s grace working in us all, each young person grows into their best self, with zest for life and the generosity and confidence to use their talents and gifts in the service of others.

This vision is encapsulated in our six key FCJ values:

Excellence is an inclusive value in an FCJ school, incorporated in every aspect of school life and living. The ideal of excellence ‘for God’s greater glory and salvation of souls’ pervades Marie Madeleine’s writings and recommendations.

Companionship is an all-pervading quality present when we work together in an atmosphere of support and love. Companionship is breaking the bread of life together.

Dignity: It is of the essence that the dignity of each person is recognised, as that of a human being made in the image of God. Everyone is genuinely listened to and what they say is heard.

Justice: being in right relationship with God, self, others and creation.

Hope is a faith-based attitude of mind and heart which enables us to think, speak and act in accordance with Gospel beliefs and FCJ values. Hope inspires and enables us to persevere in the face of difficulties and disillusionment.

Gentleness: Above all, through God’s grace, the whole is marked by the gentleness, the gentle strength that comes from ‘the fruit of quiet self possession that has been gained through daily growth in self-understanding through the light of grace’.

Click here to view the Visons & Values interactive booklet