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Year 11 Pastoral Structure

Pastoral Leader - Year 11  - Mr P Jones
11U                      Miss H Coyne
11H                      Miss C McGivern
11C                      Mr H Lee      
11S                       Mrs S Fox-Parry      
11J                       Ms L Cano   

If you have any worries or concerns, no matter how minor, please do not hesitate to contact the Form Teacher. Please telephone Reception and leave a message and the Form teacher will get back to you or send an email

Who to contact for advice
For guidance on:

The content of the curriculum                           Ms A Murphy (Deputy Head)

Special Needs e.g. learning difficulties,         Mr P McAleese (Deputy Head)/Mrs N Griffiths (Assistant Head)
physical impairment, medical issues

Problems concerning school work,                   Form Teacher or Mr P Jones (Pastoral Leader - Year 11)
progress and conduct

Questions relating to Music Tuition                 Mrs C Hulme (Head of Music)

Careers Advice                                                              Mrs K Douglas (Careers Advisor)

All of the above named staff can be contacted through the main switchboard on 0151 677 7696.          


  • The school’s target for attendance is 97% and it is vitally important that your daughter does not miss school unless she is really ill.
  • You should telephone school on her first day of absence and send a note when she returns to school after her illness. Please mark the absent note clearly with your daughter’s name, form and the dates when she was absent.
  • A reminder that the absence line number is 641 8133
  • Medical appointments etc. should be made outside of school hours whenever possible.
  • Family holidays should not be taken during school time.
  • Work copied up is not an adequate replacement for being in the lesson when a topic is taught.

Your daughter must be in school each day by 8.30am.  She must also ensure that she arrives on time for each of her lessons throughout the day.