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General information

The Governing Body of the School is the Admissions Authority which means it has the right to determine the policy for admission to the school within the terms laid out in the DFE Code of Practice on Admissions. Governors offer places at the School in strict accordance to the Admission Policy. Please read our current Admission Policy carefully.

In Year admissions - For those wishing to make an in year application please note that there are a limited number of dates available for assessments for this purpose.  For further details please visit the In Year Admissions Process section of the website.

Wirral Local Authority co-ordinates admissions to all maintained schools for Year 7. For more information read the current version of  ‘Secondary Education in Wirral Information for Parents’ or visit their web site.  The main Admissions Portal for Wirral is

Sixth Form Applications - for applications related to Sixth Form, please see Sixth Form Admissions in the Sixth Form Section of the website.