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Our ref: CHO

21 September 2020

Dear Parents,


I have pleasure in listing the nominations for Parent Governor to the School.  Parent Governors play a vital role on the Governing Body by offering a parental perspective on the work of the school and helping to formulate future developments.  We are fortunate to have three nominations and are very grateful to all of them.

NOMINATIONS                  DAUGHTER(S)

Mrs Rachel Barton              Charlotte, Year 7

Mrs Monica Campbell        Niamh, Year 7

Ms Emma Wright               Hannah, Year 8

Below there is a sheet with information about each candidate.

Please complete your ballot paper electronically  no later than Monday 5 October 2020 at 4.00 pm.  Please click on the button below to access the ballot.

If there is only one parent living at home, it is the responsibility of that parent to contact the other parent.  The Governors cannot be responsible for the arrival or otherwise of papers about the election in the parental home, or for their submission in time for the election.

Persons who are undischarged bankrupt or have been convicted of certain criminal offences are not eligible to serve as Parent Governors.  If you have any questions please contact me.

I would urge you to support the work of the school by voting.  Any candidates who are not successful on this occasion are encouraged to put themselves forward for future Parent Governor vacancies. 

Yours sincerely

Mrs C Howell

The following information has been provided by the Nominees:

Rachel Barton
My name is Rachel Barton.  I have lived on the Wirral all my life apart from a brief period when I was away in University and then working in London for a few years.  We have three children, and our middle child has just started year 7 at Upton.  We are excited that she is starting her secondary journey at Upton and hope her younger sister will follow her path there in due course.

I am a Speech and Language Therapist and run my own independent practice on the Wirral.  Although much of my work is with younger children, I feel that my work as a Speech and Language Therapist will provide me with relevant experience of education, the curriculum and SEN. Part of my business is providing Speech and Language consultancy and intervention to Wirral Primary Schools.

Another volunteer role of mine is with Pets As Therapy and I have had much enjoyment taking our small poodle cross to Arrowe Park Hospital Children’s Ward as a therapy dog.

Monica Campbell
Hello, my name is Monica Campbell and my daughter Niamh has just begun her new life at Upton Hall as a year 7 pupil.   I have been a stay at home mum for the last 2 years but hope soon to be back in the workplace part time as my older child (a pupil from St Anselms) is just leaving for University next week. I have been a paediatric nurse for the last 34 years on and off, the last 20 years working at Alderhey. I am a widow and do not hail from the Wirral but have become a total convert over the last 21 years.

I am interested in becoming a governor at Upton Hall as I have always had an interest in education having taught  in HE for a short time ( 2 years ) and hold a teaching qualification, but more to learn further  about Upton Hall and become part of the community that is so beloved within my own family and friends.  When I was teaching it was mainly in the area of child development - adolescence in particular- this gives me some insight into their needs but navigating my way through once already as a parent has been the real learning curve.  I am a catechist in my own parish and have had an active role in the past taking young people to Lourdes on diocesan pilgrimages, so our faith is very real to me.

I hope I can be a challenging friend to Upton Hall and use the skills and knowledge of my life so far to help shape the future of the school for our girls in any way necessary.  I am used to working in large multidisciplinary teams , formulating policy to get the best outcomes for children and understand the constraints of finances and legislation; but have never let that dim my enthusiasm to move forwards on better roads.   

Emma Wright
I have one daughter, Hannah, who is in year 8 at Upton Hall FCJ. Although the last year has been hugely disrupted for us all I feel hugely encouraged at the warm and effective   response to this unprecedented situation by teachers and staff at Upton. Hannah was so excited to get back to school and we feel very fortunate and thankful that she has this very special environment in which to grow. The opportunities Upton affords are rich and are complimented by excellent pastoral care, underpinned by the FCJ values and ethos of the school. It would be a great pleasure to support the work of the School in any way possible. 

I was born and brought up in Hoylake, moving to London for 20 odd years before returning to the Wirral and family life in Hoylake. I have worked in the theatre much of my   adult life, starting out a trainee design assistant and culminating as Production Manager at Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse, with a varied freelance career in between.

I am now in my eighth year working at the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts as a lecturer in Theatre Performance Design and Technology. The move into education has been, and is, a massive learning curve. LIPA values professional experience highly and then supports staff through studying for a PGCE whilst working, which I completed in 2016. I feel hugely privileged to work with students embarking on their higher education journey and this is really where my interest in being a parent governor stems from: a passionate interest in developing students’ abilities, confidence and skills. 

I don’t pretend to know about the extensive working of a successful school like Upton but feel I do have many transferable skills I would hope could be useful, and an enthusiastic outlook. I am very familiar with budgeting, health and safety, managing processes, thinking creatively and working collaboratively with wide ranging teams of people. I have experienced one re-validation whilst at LIPA and sat externally on a re-validation panel for the Open University. I enjoy working with others for a common aim and would keenly support the Upton team in any way possible.