Please complete a registration form for each child:
I wish to register my child onto the SAC held at Upton Hall School.
I confirm I have followed the link to make the correct payment for the camp on the Upton Hall website.
I acknowledge the need for obedience and responsible behaviour on their part.
I will provide my child with a refillable water bottle each day.
I understand that the teacher in charge of the group will be acting in 'loco parentis' and in the event of an accident I agree to my child receiving emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment which might include the use of anaesthetics and blood transfusions, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present.
I undertake to inform the organiser as soon as possible of any change in the medical circumstances of my child between the dates on which I complete this form and the commencement of the activity.
I understand the extent and limitations of the insurance cover provided, and that the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral is insured in respect of it's legal liabilities only, and that there is no personal accident or other cover.