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Design & Technology

Details of the curriculum for KS3 and KS4 are included here split into Year group information.  Click on the relevant tab  on the left to access this.

The Department

As citizens of the twenty-first century, pupils are faced with an uncertain future. A future of energy and material shortages, the effects of climate change, an increased reliance on technology, the Internet of Things and a manufacturing revolution are just some of the issues today’s society faces.

Design and Technology aims to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in the technological age; they will develop a wide range of problem solving, mathematical and technical skills that are underpinned by a deep knowledge of materials, components and systems along with how and why products are manufactured in particular ways. The work of past and present designers influence pupils as they learn from their successes and failures.

There is an acute focus on environmental impacts and meeting the needs and wants of a wide variety of consumers, including inclusive design for the less able or for those with different cultures or faiths. In addition to the demands of this rigorous curriculum, there is also an emphasis on building resilience in pupils as mistakes are encouraged, as well an emphasis on collaboration and companionship.

Pen portrait 

Mr P Jones


Mr Jones has a keen interest in design engineering and all things technical, as well as the built environment and lighting applications. Mr Jones is also interested in school improvement and pastoral care.

Miss L Griffiths (from Sept 2022).

Miss Griffiths has a passion for everything engineering and love for innovative technologies. She particularly loves how Science and Design can intertwine to advance existing or new designs and, with her Head of Sixth Form role, has a particular interest in careers and destinations within STEM.


Work from the department

Excellent work is posted to Twitter and Instagram regularly.

@uptonhalldt (Twitter)

@uptonhalldt (Instagram)