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**Year 7 & 8 cover Biology in KS3 Science.**

The Department

The Biology department at Upton Hall School wish our young learners to develop:

  • A sense of awe and wonder of the living World through the active learning that takes place in our classroom every day
  • An understanding of how biological molecules are the fundamental components of cells which in turn determine the functions of organs and organisms. This ultimately defines how organisms interact with each other and their ecosystems
  • Both resilience and independence through our programme of study designed to promote a conscientious work ethic
  • A critical eye by questioning biological information presented to them in order to determine its validity

Follow us: Twitter: @uptonfcjbio

Click here to access the Biology KS4 Curriculum Map 2020-2021

Staff Pen Portraits

Miss E Chadwick

BSc in Biological Sciences at Birmingham University
MSc in Pollution and Environmental Control at the University of Manchester/UMIST. 

Before teaching, I worked as an environmental consultant mainly involved in acquisition and divestiture auditing and waste management training. This job has allowed me to travel the world and help large corporate businesses to have a growing awareness of environmental concerns and try to address them. I particularly enjoyed the training element of my job and this led me to becoming a teacher. At Upton, I can share my scientific knowledge and encourage students to apply this to their everyday life and strive to make our world a better place.

Mrs L Halpin

BSc in Biology and Psychology at Liverpool John Moore’s University.  modules in Forensic Science and Courtship behaviour,
PGCE in Biology

During my dissertation on ‘the impact of test anxiety on student performance’ I  visited a school setting as an adult for the first time. It was then that my passion for teaching was ignited.   I was lucky enough to receive a second placement at Upton Hall School during my PGCE and within days I knew this was the school where I wanted to work.

Mr M Whisker

BSc in Biological Sciences (with QTS) at Sheffield Hallam.

A primary part of my teaching ethos at Upton is to encourage and nourish an understanding of how life and the natural world is of great importance to everyone and key to the progression of the Human race.

Mrs J Murray from September 2022

BSc in Genetics at Nottingham University 

I love teaching biology because my own biology teacher inspired me with their passion for the subject, showing me how fascinating the natural world can be.  Now, I strive to inspire that same sense of wonder in my students, helping them appreciate the living world.     

Work from the department


Year 9. Students were tasked to present their research on liver disease. They were given a choice as to what format to adopt. This is an outstanding example of extended writing.

Year 9. Students were asked to produce a model of an organ or system in the body. This student decided to model components of the blood. Red blood cells- jelly, white blood cells- meringue, platelets- chocolate covered cornflakes and plasma- yellow coloured buttercream on a base of Victoria’s sponge.


Yr 9 Children's Mental Health Week make an organ model              
- the brain & the kidney

 Yr 9 Children's Mental Health Week make an organ model  - the digestive system

Yr 10 adaptations research 

Growing tomatoes in the solar dome 

DNA 'sweetie model'

A Level 

   Thermal imaging at Edge Hill      


                  Ecology fieldwork at Hilbre Island

Colorimeter work

Heart Dissection and labelling

Root Tip squash microscope image 

Measuring unborn chicks' heart rate

University of Liverpool Christmas Lectures

 Yr 12 Eco day - Quadrats

Yr 12 - Transects